Schuman: two new phases from March 11th

6 maart 2024 -

From March 11th, two new phases for the redevelopment of Schuman roundabout and its surroundings will begin. You will find all relevant information and practical details (diversion plans) in the following links.

  • Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée – In front of the entrance to the Cinquantenaire Park
    Construction of a plateau at the junction of rue de Loi and avenue de la Joyeuses Entrée, in front of the entrance to Cinquantenaire Park. There will be diversions for motorists and cyclists.
    Term: continuously, until June 2024.
    More info and diversion plan (in French - in Dutch)>>


  • Rue de la Loi - along the Charlemagne building
    Adaptation of the Loi/Taciturne junction, construction of a new pavement with tree planters and a plateau on the Charlemagne boulevard and the Taciturne plateau, construction of the footpath and cycle path along the Jardin de la Vallée du Maelbeek. Diversions will be put in place depending on the phase.
    Timing: In 4 phases, until the end of June 2024.
    More info and diversion plans>>

During this phase, a survey and sounding operation will be conducted at the center of the roundabout as part of the construction process for the upcoming canopy.

Federal construction manager Beliris and the contractor are committed to minimising disruption and completing the works in the shortest possible time.

For any practical questions or emergencies related to the works, please contact the ombudsman: Johan Van Laer - 0485 08 74 70.

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0800 11 299 9h-16h
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BELIRIS SPF Mobilité et Transports Rue du Progrès 56 1210 Saint-Josse-ten-Noode icone de transport Gare du Nord - Rogier

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